Sex on the First Date ? To Do or Not to Do ?

The first date is often an exciting experience. You wait for the big day to come, undecided on what to wear, fear of what to talk about during the date, and sometimes, you have the anxiety of what will happen much later into the night.

What if, after a wonderful evening, he drives you home and walks you to do the door. At this point, you are probably debating on whether you should try to invite him into your house for a cup of coffee.  What if he is looking for more than just a cup of coffee, what would you do ?   

Some women likes a date to last longer, to talk the whole night away, but some men actually misinterpret this innocent “cup of coffee” invitation as the opening line to your intention to seduce him.

Well, what if the coffee session turns out better than you expected and you start to wish that gorgeous hunk sitting right beside you would do a little more than just resting his hand on your shoulders?

So the million-dollar question goes: Does sleeping with a guy on the first date make you a “loose woman”? Should you go ahead with it?

When a man sleeps with a woman on the first date, they become “the man” and get a pat on the back. But when woman does the same, she is labeled “loose, shut or whore”. Why the double standard? Women have needs too, and women enjoy sex just as much as men do.

That said, should we the women be too concerned about what the society said. After all, people will say whatever they like and believe in anything they choose. So, if you are really into the guy, and is into the mood for a little naughty, then go ahead. However, do take precautions. Sexually transmitted diseases or HIV are not the kind of outcome you want after a night of fun. That and unwanted pregnancy.

On the other hand, if all you wanted is a bit of conversation, then conservation is all you should be getting, otherwise, just direct him to the nearest exit. If you were never interested in anything else but the pleasure of his company, then try not to lead the poor guy on.

If you decide to do it, be aware that sex on the first date is a risky business. You may be looking at the start of the relationship, but the feeling may not be reciprocal. The idea of feeling something special maybe one-sided.  Be prepared to face the days ahead without his calls or texts. He may even leave first thing in the morning.

If you think that sex is never just sex, but physical and emotional senses are involved, then, don’t do it. Sex can be fun and adventurous, but it can bring more damaging effect to your emotional stability, rather than your reputation.

If you can have sex like a man, then, there is no reason stopping you from doing so. But if you secretly wish that wonderful evening could blossom into a prospective relationship, than you are better off waiting for a longer instead.

If you really want to do it, make sure you are doing it because you want to and for that reason alone. Don’t do it if you just want to be the modern girl or because you feel obliged to.

Sex on the first date usually comes with no string attached. If you can’t handle it, then don’t do it !

Sex on the first date ?
Whatever you decide, it is your choice to make. Do take the physical safety measure to prevent unwanted diseases and pregnancy.

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